Friday, March 10, 2006

Self-giving and self-discipline

I have often thought on the theme of self-giving and selfless patriotism, ever since I read Swami Vivekananda's views on patriotism some 7 years ago.

Swamiji's ideas, to me, for the first time, showed that patriotism could be an intense spiritual practice, and in the light of his ideas, patriotism could also raise us to a summit from where we could survey our own role in the larger context of human welfare.

But this greater idea of patriotism also means, we need to exert ourselves more to achieve it. Because it is easy to be patriotic in the sense of cheering one's national sports team or being passionately jingoistic about one's own national ideals. It is easy to even die for one's nation. But it is more difficult to mould oneself according to, and live for, a noble ideal.

If to be patriotic means to feel the suffering of fellowmen coursing through the veins every second, and work in that attitude, the idea enters the rarified realm of the sublime. In that realm, self-giving is the meaning of love. To love then means to suffuse oneself with the ideal. Then, life of the self is control of the self.

Ofcourse the more someone wants to conform to these ideals, the more he or she has to strive to manifest them. But if patriotism must lead to human welfare, it must be practiced in no less a light than this!

1 comment:

Malik Hakem al-Baqara said...

Indeed! That is why patriotism becomes what it is usually seen around-jingoism!