Monday, April 25, 2005



This frost, this cold stare, I can bear no more
Outwardly no trace, but every chance meeting
brings back to the inner screen, the roaring
river of memories, in all that rough detail

I, torn by guilt that I must have been so and
by grief that you should not have seen more
You, perhaps with indignation at what'd passed;
My heart misses a beat, at yet a harsh glance

O if we could really ever forget at all...But,
can we attempt? Erase, every single footprint
on the tender beach of the heart; Ocean of Time!
rage in here, and claim it all, leave nothing

How nice it would be then, to have a rewind-
When the Ocean recedes, I would retrace my steps
Soft, small, strides: mindful, not to repeat past
Meet you again here, and it wont feel like winter...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Mystic Verses

To the Divine Drunkard

Listen, drunkard! Come this way!
Come, rest a while at my place.
What is it that you drink? what
drink makes you reel thus?

O I'm not sober either; No
And nor is this neighbourhood;
Only, hehe, we like to imagine so.
So come, you wont feel odd

Come, O, you wont feel bored!
Sanity? ah let me throw this
mask away! see! you wont find
madness of an intenser kind

I call you with a drunkard's love
for a greater drunkard! come!
share with me too, that of which
you are drunk! reel! and dance!

Wait, let me throw this wine away!
Off, wretch! I lose myself in you!
Drunkard! share with me that
drink by which you are lost to it!

Yes, listen, Drunkard, come here,
wont you? come, lets make merry!
We'll drink and forget the drink,
come, mirth, fun and more mirth!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Song Eternal

Floating on the surface of existence,
Which Laws do You rebel against?
What God or Goddess do You reject?
Where do You run? from death,
to death?

Listen! there were no Laws that
You did not understand; no God
Higher than Your own innermost Self
Why dream of death when You are
bliss immortal?

Where misery? Where persecution?
Where Man, where the world? where
Is the other, that You love and hate?
Listen to the song eternal, murmur,
from the heart!

Welcome to Hinduism!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Here's the First Post!

The call has been given, the vision delivered.

There is no fear, for this is an eternal play.

Dharma will prevail, we are but instruments!

Jai Dharma!
