Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bhajans and Ambulance Sirens

As the evening draws close, the temples in our Varanasi resonate with peace- the chimes of bells, evening Aratis, the aspiration of the human soul for the Divine all merge to create an atmosphere of bliss. It feels like Gods descend on earth to savour the sublime flavour of the hour.

Not on tuesday. The sirens of ambulances that immediately fileld the air after the blasts, perhaps modified and modulated the evening Bhajans: 'Lord, show us a way of of this madness'.

What do Hindus do?

They have a religious leadership which is confused and rudderless and unable to respond to times. A secular leadership which cares more about power and votes. A government that cannot protect their interests. A law enforcement mechanism which is medieval. And the miscreants who aid these inhuman deeds are almost invisible amongst the sea of innocent Muslim citizens of the nation.

A thousand years later, we are free in our lands. But our lives, religion and culture are not still safe. Each new incident only reminds the sad fact more poignantly, 15 August 1947 was only an illusory day of freedom.

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