Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The quake and the wounded civilization

Naipaul's words have been famously quoted now so often: India is a wounded civilization. The internal factors that allowed that wound to be scored have not yest ceased to be and nor has the external hand that thrust the dagger right into India's heart has not been amputated yet. The wound is still suppurating.

The world does not understand when it puts China and India on the same platform. What strides India has made are a hundredfold more prodound that what China has. China did not have to contend with a thousand years of colonization and the hundreds of years of pillaging and marauding and plundering which accompoanied it in varying extents through time. China did not have its land and people and minds partitioned, I will not bluff like many people do, 'on the basis of religion': India was partitioned not because of 'religion' but because of Islam and the colonialism it represents. A spade is a spade, a dagger is a dagger. And many people, even the so-called 'nationalists' dont recognize this, when they gloat over 'the serious imbalance that exists in China's political system'. If not rolled back and repelled permanently, this dagger will cut through India's heart as if through butter, the day that external hand wakes up from sleep and connectes back to its chest, the Ummah.

And the only way to roll it back is to face the questions posed by it without wincing. Islam was thrust upon large parts of India at swordpoint, with daggers drawn to chest, through terror and through force. Centuries later, the converted populace, the brainwashed future generations of an enervated society, rationalised the conversion citing social reasons. But India accepts the faults of Her social system. Her whole national energy in a thousand years has been directed to correcting these faults, and we can see what stupendous progress has been achieved even in the paltry 50 past years after 'independence'. India accepts the ageing and the fallibility of the Smriti and proposes to rewrite it for every age. So there is no social reason to continue acceptance of an alien ideology on Indian soil and there is no basis for continued existence of a 'Pakistan'.

And the spiritual reasons? When was the last time the proponents of Islam could take on rationally the advanced spiritual views of the native Indian traditions? Individually or collectively, the Vedic-Shramanic or Hindu viewpoints present questions which the Mullahs sweep convenietly under their prayer carpets. What are the criteria for your acceptance of a man as a 'Prophet'? What is a 'Prophet' anyway? How can there be a 'one last Prophet' when we know that that last Prophet lived more than a thousand years ago and the world is not going to end in any near future? How does 'God' arbitrarily choose one man as his 'Prophet' as opposed to other men and women? Which brings to the most important question around which all this myhtology is built: what is 'God' anyway? Is this true, that there is a 'God' who interferes in the affairs of mankind like an impatient school kid?

And all facts that we can use to reason argue to the contrary, that there is no such 'God'. This earth is a cooled down collection of volcanoes and life is part of Earth's chemistry. This is what we can come to conclude. If more proof is required, please go to Muzaffarabad today and verify for yourself. Then, either you can continue to delude yourself on the mercy of a loving 'God' whose mercy is mysteriously concealed through disasters which 'He' sends to test man or, shake your head and reach for your senses: there is no such 'God'. The 'God' upon which Islam bases so much of its causistry is a humbug. The pious Jihadis who gave up everything in their life to fight the infidels on the mountains around Muzaffarabad found it the hard way when the shelters they were holed in during their pious endeavours fell upon their heads. The one solid argument which could be used like a crowbar to lunge this dagger out from India's chest was revealed from the depths of Earth's bosom last week. some 50,000 dead must be enough to convince reasonable men.

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