Monday, April 25, 2005



This frost, this cold stare, I can bear no more
Outwardly no trace, but every chance meeting
brings back to the inner screen, the roaring
river of memories, in all that rough detail

I, torn by guilt that I must have been so and
by grief that you should not have seen more
You, perhaps with indignation at what'd passed;
My heart misses a beat, at yet a harsh glance

O if we could really ever forget at all...But,
can we attempt? Erase, every single footprint
on the tender beach of the heart; Ocean of Time!
rage in here, and claim it all, leave nothing

How nice it would be then, to have a rewind-
When the Ocean recedes, I would retrace my steps
Soft, small, strides: mindful, not to repeat past
Meet you again here, and it wont feel like winter...

1 comment:

Satya Smrti said...

good one man.. keep them coming..