Friday, April 18, 2008

day of national shame!

I will remember April 17th to be one of the most shameful days in modern India's national history.

This ridiculous and spineless congress government bent over backwards to deny Tibetans their right to protest. What a travesty to have 15000 troops guard New Delhi - are Tibetans terrorists?

They sent the poor lady who took refuse in India- Taslima Nasrin, against all historical norms of Indian civilization - just to please the Chinese nationalists in Bengal.

They have divided the society badly in the name of caste. They are about to do something bad on LTTE to please the DMK.

But this is the worst of all their crimes. What do they think- the Chinese Communists will be appeased? Blood given will only lead to larger appettite for the ghosts, not apppease them. These jokers have no sense of shame. What a pity, India has to suffer for their actions, like in the past..

Francois writesa timely piece here. Excerpts:

Today India is encircled by hostile neighbours, from Pakistan to Bangladesh, from Chinese-occupied Tibet, to a Maoist Nepal.

Never has India faced a darker hour whatever gurus say. Never has she faced so many enemies at the same time -- and truly China is one of the most dangerous ones. Yet India always bends backwards to please the Chinese.

Why is that so? Because the Indian intelligentsia, the secular politicians, the journalists, top bureaucrats, are the descendants of these Brown Sahibs, created by Macaulay more than 250 years ago...

...They are no match for the Chinese, who are proud of themselves and their nation and will use any means, open and covert, legal and foul, to foster their dream of a Greater China. The Olympics are just such a tool for them.


Anonymous said...

Indians don't have a solid+popular base for nationalism. The western countries, though having free press, have relative prosperity and have done well and hence have been able to instil nationalism. Americans think of their country as a beacon of humanity, whatever you used to speak glorifying Britain tells me that there was some nationalism about energy or something in Britain that got rubbed onto you. Countries like China by curbing free press and manipulating their press the way they want have managed to marshal nationalism in their interests.

The only "natural" base India would have for nationalism would be dhArmic nationalism. However that kind of thing isn't "cool" anymore. That is perhaps why the common man is also spineless.

Malik Hakem al-Baqara said...

well i think its more that our leaders who all belong to the 'licence raj' era who are spineless. the common man on the street is slowly waking up to 'dharmic nationalism' because of all the information sources at his disposal these days and coming out of the state-imposed blind facade of previous years