Monday, October 08, 2007

How many births have you not done hard and painful labour with body, mind, and speech. Now at last, stop!

Enough of wealth, sensuality, and good deeds. In the forest of samsara the mind has never found satisfaction in these

Kingdoms, children, wives, bodies, pleasures -- these have all been lost to you life after life, attached to them though you were.

-verses 8-6, Ch X, Ashtavakra Gita

some verses from Ch 1 of the same text:

You do not belong to the brahmin or any other caste, you are not at any stage, nor are you anything that the eye can see. You are unattached and formless, the witness of everything - so be happy.

Just as a mirror exists everywhere both within and apart from its reflected images, so the Supreme Lord exists everywhere within and apart from this body.

Just as one and the same all-pervading space exists within and without a jar, so the eternal, everlasting God exists in the totality of things.


Anonymous said...

Yo! Good stuff.

Malik Hakem al-Baqara said...

what is this 'yo' almost like half of ayyo!!

SBN conveys to you his blessings.

Anonymous said...

These days I take special pleasure in imitating "wannabe desis" and their wax-like stamps from foreign surroundings!

As for the second statement - well, what can I say, I can only gratefully partake as much as I can take of those. Thanks a lot.