Friday, October 17, 2008

this IS funny!

watch barak obama revealing his funny side.

and yes, its going to be releaved in the coming weeks that his middle name is 'steve' lol

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

beautiful words from Kate Knapp Johnson's poem Parker's Mountain

...I was twelve
and though I knew language
I did not know the meaning of things--
I lived within a lattice of time, unhurt,
so that even in remembering now
there is only the singular quality
of that time itself; while I was there,
in its duration, I was possessed, wind-mastered

as the scrolled fields of clouds and disappointed
when the spell was broken and the real snow
came, and the cold.

(italics mine)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


A haiku on life and lifelessness in urban enclaves

Torrential downpour-
Dry, morose, barren buildings;
solitary tree.

I was peering out of the window next to my desk at work: heavy rain. I love rain, for all its lifegiving energies. But here it was falling into a rectangular enclave of dry, barren buildings. But imagine even just a solitary tree in this picture, what a change it would bring to the experience!

On the response of India's pseudointelligentsia to Islamist terror

from an ivory tower;
A shivering earth.

How long before the platforms of these pontificating falseleaders far removed from reality collapse? the earth has begun to tremble and shake - better for them to get down from those towers and egnage with truth - before it does so even more violently and drop them off their seats.